Atlanta, Georgia Phillips Arena March 30, 2001 Drew's Dub (4-Source Matrix) Adobe Audition 3.0 was used to make the matrix Sources: 1. Soundboard - CDR - FLAC 2. IEM - Unknown - FLAC 3. Setlist Elevation Beautiful Day Until The End Of The World New Year's...
Lire la suiteSetlist ElevationBeautiful DayUntil the End of the WorldNew Year's DayStuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out OfStaring at the SunNew YorkSunday Bloody SundaySweetest ThingIn A Little WhileThe Ground Beneath Her FeetBadWhere the Streets Have No NameMysterious...
Lire la suitePremière représentation d'Angel Of Harlem depuis le 10 décembre 1993. U2 - 2001-03-26 - Sunrise, Florida, USA - National Car Rental Center - Angel Of Harlem Elevation Tour 1st Leg 3 Cam Mix Setlist Elevation Beautiful Day Until the End of the World Discothèque...
Lire la suiteElevation Tour commence à Miami, en Floride. Uploaded by armando santiago on 2015-10-08. Uploaded by armando santiago on 2015-10-09. Setlist Elevation Beautiful Day Until the End of the World New Year's Day Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of Gone...
Lire la suiteU2 a reçu le Grammy Award du meilleur groupe de rock, chanson et l'enregistrement de l'année avec beautiful day. Cliquez sur les photos pour agrandir !
Lire la suiteCliquez sur la jaquette pour agrandir ! U2 nous offre un concert énergique et intimiste puisque seuls 1000 convives assitaient à ce concert promo du elevation tour au Irving Plaza à New York.Show présenté par KROQ (WXRK, 92.3FM). 11 O'clock Tick Tock...
Lire la suitePrésentation enregistrée pour l'émission Fantastic TV. Uploaded by Ramilis Moreira on 2009-11-30. Apresentação ao vivo gravada no Projac como parte da turnê promocional do album All That You Can't Leave Behind. Novembro de 2000. Setlist Beautiful Day...
Lire la suiteDernier spectacle Popmart Tour et dernières performances en direct de Mofo, Last Night On Earth et If You Wear That Velvet Dress. Último concierto de la gira POPMart. Último concierto de la gira POPMart. Setlist Intro (Pop Muzik) Mofo I Will Follow Gone...
Lire la suiteLe premier spectacle de U2 en Afrique du Sud. U2 - South Africa 1998 Pop Muzik Mofo I Will Follow Gone Ever Better Than The Real Thing Last Night On Earth Until The End Of The World New Years Day Preide I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Stand...
Lire la suiteSetlist Intro (Pop Muzik) Mofo I Will Follow Gone Even Better Than the Real Thing Last Night On Earth Until the End of the World New Year's Day Pride (In The Name Of Love) I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For All I Want Is You Staring at the Sun...
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