"Fez – Being Born" Six o’clock On the autoroute Burning rubber, burning chrome Bay of Cadiz and ferry home Atlantic sea cut glass African sun at last Lights … flash part … Like memories A speeding head, a speeding heart I’m being born, a bleeding start...
Lire la suite"New York" In New York freedom looks like too many choices In New York I found a friend to drown out the other voices Voices on the cell phone Voices from home Voices of the hard sell Voices down the stairwell In New York, just got a place in New York...
Lire la suite"Heroine" Afraid, but he will not run Alone, thy will be done Confessed, but you still Feel the shame Bring me into Your arms again Heroine Heroine Heroine Heroine Touch these eyes With your broken smile Touch my mouth With your furrowed brow Lift my...
Lire la suite"Do You Feel Loved" Take these hands they're good for nothing You know these hands have never worked a day Take these boots they're going nowhere You know these boots they don't want to stray You got my head filled with songs You got me shoelaces undone...
Lire la suiteLe groupe irlandais U2, l'un des plus grands groupes mondiaux de rock and roll, part en tournée. Après Los Angeles et avant Paris, ces Irlandais jouaient à Belfast devant 36 000 spectateurs, soulevant l'enthousiasme de leurs compatriotes irlandais.
Lire la suite"Van Diemen's Land" Hold me now, hold me now Till this hour has gone around And I'm gone on the rising tide For to face Van Diemen's land It's a bitter pill I swallow here To be rent from one so dear We fought for justice and not for gain But the magistrate...
Lire la suite"Sunday Bloody Sunday" I can't believe the news today I can't close my eyes and make it go away How long, how long must we sing this song ? How long ? Tonight we can be as one Broken bottles under children's feet Bodies strewn across a dead end street...
Lire la suite"Numb" Don't move Don't talk out of time Don't think Don't worry Everything's just fine Just fine Don't grab Don't clutch Don't hope for too much Don't breathe Don't achieve Or grieve without leave Don't check Just balance on the fence Don't answer Don't...
Lire la suiteThe Edge, guitariste, pianiste, voix et à l'occasion bassiste de U2 a juste 51 ans aujourd'hui. Le charmant et subtil "scientist" de U2 nous manque ! Nous lui souhaitons un joyeux anniversaire en espérant avoir bientôt de ses nouvelles à l'occasion d'un...
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