Le grand Baz Luhrmann (Romeo + Juliette et Moulin Rouge) est de retour tout ne faste et splendeur pour l’adaptation pour le grand écran du cultissime roman de F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (Gatsby le magnifique dont la dernière adaptation cinématographique...
Lire la suiteHier à Londres, le chanteur de U2 Bono, Joan Collins et Sir Paul McCartney ont rendu hommage à la Reine d'Angleterre alors qu'elle assistait à une cérémonie à la Royal Academy of Arts dans le cadre de son jubilé de diamant. S'adressant à la Reine, Bono...
Lire la suite"Beautiful Day" The heart is a bloom, shoots up through stony ground. But there's no room, no space to rent in this town. You're out of luck and the reason you had to care, The traffic is stuck and you're not moving anywhere. You thought you'd found a...
Lire la suite"Vertigo" Unos dos tres catorce! Lights go down, it’s dark The jungle is your head Can’t rule your heart A feeling is so much stronger than A thought Your eyes are wide And though your soul It can’t be bought Your mind can wander Hello hello I’m at a...
Lire la suite"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" I have climbed the highest mountains I have run through the fields Only to be with you Only to be with you I have run I have crawled I have scaled these city walls Only to be with you But I still Haven't found...
Lire la suite"Magnificent" Magnificent Magnificent I was born I was born to be with you In this space and time After that and ever after I haven’t had a clue Only to break rhyme This foolishness can leave a heart black and blue Only love, only love can leave such...
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