Atlanta, Georgia Phillips Arena March 30, 2001 Drew's Dub (4-Source Matrix) Adobe Audition 3.0 was used to make the matrix Sources: 1. Soundboard - CDR - FLAC 2. IEM - Unknown - FLAC 3. Setlist Elevation Beautiful Day Until The End Of The World New Year's...
Lire la suiteSetlist ElevationBeautiful DayUntil the End of the WorldNew Year's DayStuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out OfStaring at the SunNew YorkSunday Bloody SundaySweetest ThingIn A Little WhileThe Ground Beneath Her FeetBadWhere the Streets Have No NameMysterious...
Lire la suitePremière représentation d'Angel Of Harlem depuis le 10 décembre 1993. U2 - 2001-03-26 - Sunrise, Florida, USA - National Car Rental Center - Angel Of Harlem Elevation Tour 1st Leg 3 Cam Mix Setlist Elevation Beautiful Day Until the End of the World Discothèque...
Lire la suiteElevation Tour commence à Miami, en Floride. Uploaded by armando santiago on 2015-10-08. Uploaded by armando santiago on 2015-10-09. Setlist Elevation Beautiful Day Until the End of the World New Year's Day Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of Gone...
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