Mega rare video for U2 fans Live from sydney 1984 I Threw a brick through a window and a day without me 08-09-84 Rare live from Sydney 08-09-84 Live U2 New years Day SYDNEY 08-09-1984 Setlist Gloria I Threw A Brick Through A Window A Day Without Me An...
Lire la suiteSetlist Gloria I Threw A Brick Through A Window A Day Without Me An Cat Dubh Into The Heart Surrender Two Hearts Beat As One Seconds Sunday Bloody Sunday I Fall Down October New Year's Day Pride (In The Name Of Love) Out of Control Party Girl 11 O'Clock...
Lire la suiteSetlist Gloria I Threw A Brick Through A Window A Day Without Me An Cat Dubh Into The Heart The Unforgettable Fire Surrender Two Hearts Beat As One Seconds Sunday Bloody Sunday The Cry-> The Electric Co. I Fall Down October New Year's Day Pride (In The...
Lire la suitePremier spectacle de U2 en Australie; la setlist est incomplète. Gloria a ouvert la série mais Edge et Adam souffrent tous les deux de dysfonctionnements de l’instrument pendant la chanson; Edge a d'autres problèmes pendant la reddition. Pour pallier...
Lire la suiteSetlist Out Of Control Twilight An Cat Dubh Into The Heart The Unforgettable Fire Surrender Two Hearts Beat As One Seconds Sunday Bloody Sunday The Cry-> The Electric Co. I Fall Down October New Year's Day Pride (In The Name Of Love) Gloria Party Girl...
Lire la suiteGreg Carroll est embauché pour ce spectacle et devient ensuite membre de l'équipe de tournée de U2. Il est devenu un ami proche de Bono et sa mort en 1986 a inspiré la chanson One Tree Hill. Setlist Gloria I Threw A Brick Through A Window A Day Without...
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