Après Ultra Violet, Bono dit au garde de sécurité de rester hors de la scène et lui dit de ne plus monter sur la scène, affirmant qu'ils ne lui appartiennent pas. Setlist Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One Unchained...
Lire la suiteDurant Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Bono voit une femme vêtue d'une robe de mariée dans la foule. Il s'est avéré qu'elle s'était mariée plus tôt dans la journée et Bono invite elle et son mari sur scène. This is the first in a series of...
Lire la suiteU2 perform for their Zoo TV Tour at the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, CA on November 7, 1992. Camera: Sony Handycam CCD-TR7 Setlist Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One Unchained Melody Until the End of the World New...
Lire la suiteZOO TV Tour: BC Place Stadium - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Setlist: Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One She's a Mystery To Me Until the End of the World New Year's Day Wild Rover Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around...
Lire la suiteSetlist Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One Unchained Melody Until the End of the World New Year's Day Dirty Old Town Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World Angel of Harlem When Love Comes To Town Satellite Of Love...
Lire la suiteSetlist: Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One She's a Mystery To Me Until the End of the World New Year's Day Dirty Old Town Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World Angel of Harlem When Love Comes To Town Satellite...
Lire la suiteUploaded by armando santiago on 2014-11-27. Uploaded by armando santiago on 2014-11-28. Setlist Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One Rain Until the End of the World New Year's Day Dirty Old Town Tryin' To Throw Your...
Lire la suiteSetlist Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways One She's a Mystery To Me Until the End of the World New Year's Day Dirty Old Town Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World Angel of Harlem When Love Comes To Town Satellite...
Lire la suiteWho's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses retourne à la setlist après son absence depuis le 12 août 1992. Il est joué dans un style acoustique plutôt que son ancien style électrique. Setlist Zoo Station The Fly Even Better Than the Real Thing Mysterious Ways...
Lire la suiteSetlist Zoo StationThe FlyEven Better Than the Real ThingMysterious WaysOneUnchained MelodyUntil the End of the WorldNew Year's DayDirty Old TownTryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The WorldAngel of HarlemWhen Love Comes To TownSatellite Of LoveBadAll I...
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